Linda Salamone's Blog

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Here is an easier (html) link to the Women's Tee Shirts. Thanks to Davis Straub for helping get this together. Thanks to Raean for all of her hard work and willingness to get these shipped (in other words, if the shipping gets screwed up.... BLAME HER!!!! hahahahahaha!)

Friday, December 16, 2005

well now that link for t-shirts doesn't work. try the html....

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

So here is the logo on the T-shirts the Women's Team is selling to raise money to cover some of our expenses in May 2006 at the World Meet. If you are interested in a shirt- follow the link or just e-mail me if you are local:
or e-mail:

They are just $20.... what a deal!
