and here is a lot of water but with some dolphins thrown in.
Anyhow, so today we flew. The tow behind Rhett was uneventful except for the screaming thermal he pulled me through and then went back to get some more. I pinned off and just kept turning right away from the field. I got high and cold on my way to the one waypoint, but then on the second leg things got bad. I missed a climb that a gaggle was topping out- they seemed to have pulled up the ladder. I searched around a while and found myself stupid low over the swamp for a very long time. I could only get to 900m and then back down to 400m. I heard my sink alarm a lot, and there was no place to land AT ALL so I hung onto every scrap of lift until I got into the smoke from a brush fire and finally got good numbers to goal. Not trusting my instrument, I kept climbing until I saw the airport. Finally I headed over and of course got lift all the way and had to burn off more than 3000 feet to land. I almost came down on the fence, lost all my airspeed, and bellied in, right in front of just about everyone who had probably left the start circle later than me but got there a lot faster! So it was a windy day, but less so than yesterday, and I didn't have too many reservations about flying, just usual first day of comp butterflies. I think pretty much everyone made goal.....and I was pretty close to the slowest in. Oh well. Tomorrow's another day!
At least you have experience landing in the Florida swamp.
Rob Clarkson
Anonymous, at 11:17 PM
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