Linda Salamone's Blog

Friday, January 11, 2008

So we got my mom a goat for her 74th birthday. You know, you can never have too many goats.
Anyhow, my first flight of the year was short and sweet. Italy Valley, crossing from the east, Doug Stoner and me on a somewhat sunny Thursday afternoon- he was the first flight of the year, I had first RAF HG flight of the year. Better pay club dues....
Nice launch, nice landing. Life is good!
Date 1/10/08 (mom's b-day)
Flights: 1
Airtime: 3minutes 36 seconds
XC miles: 0

Thursday, January 03, 2008

"Hey y'all, what's this??" ( a bunch of engineers?)

"dunno. mi no comprende"

Let's see what it does.

Pulley secured at the far end of the field.

"Hey y'all, watch this!!!"

"Hey, y'all watch THIS!"

"Hey y'all, look at this."

"Let's try it with a glider instead."

First tow- Ron "the welder" Letzin (without whom none of this would be possible)

"Wow. It worked."

Guinea pig #2 (Me)

Guinea pig #3 (Mark Frutiger)

And finally, Doug getting high.

So it was a very successful first attempt at using the scooter system. Still some bugs to work out but all-in-all, very do-able!

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