Linda Salamone's Blog

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Meemee getting busted sneaking a nap on the double high queen mattress in our tent....

Launch Line Task 4- my beautiful Barney colored glider is in there!

I'm going to try to write up the last comp day, the day after the comp, and some post-comp reflections in between tasks at work today. Things get forgotten and I really want to get it all down before that happens, but my ADHD might prevent a cohesive story. Oh well- here goes:
Coming back home late Sunday night with poison ivy, sunburn, a big bruise, a tick bite, a healing strained back muscle- sounds like a regular hang gliding comp! Not like the lap of luxury we enjoyed (despite the dust) at the Arizona meet. Dana and Meesha, the great rabbit hunting dog, cashed in all their fun tickets at Ridgely and were snoozing and limping (well, the dog was, anyhow) all the way back to Rochester. The unGodly heat from the day was dissipating as we left Maryland and everyone was too tired to chat.

Getting ready to do the last task- It was HOT!
The last Task of the meet began slowly. The wind technicians were not staying up but Ric and I got ready to be certain not to get stuck too far back in the line. But it happened anyhow and as the gaggle was leaving the airport, I was like 10-15 gliders behind in a very slow launch line. I knew that this would be a bad thing overall but since Jamie was in line behind me, I settled on just covering her to take the lead in the women's division. I got left in very little lift and watched as Jamie got towed up. I stayed above her for a while and knew that was all I had to do. I got stupid and tried to leave with the Phantom, but couldn't keep up and went back to the airport, only to find myself BELOW Jamie now. She stayed on top of me until I got impatient enough to leave, then she and the rest of the field followed. I got low- to 900' but got a little beep over a big field and started climbing. Campbell and Jamie and I climbed out but every other glider decked it right there. Jamie, still above me... we topped this thing out at 3000', me just below her, and I see her pull her VG like she is going to go on glide. Then as I turn, I lose her. I keep turning and wait. Where the hell did she go? I scan the horizon for her hard-to-see smoke sail. I decide then that I will just hang out a while instead of blasting off and that pays off when I get a glimpse of her still above me. Tricky!!! I think she just got bored waiting for me to go and finally she headed off. I went on glide and got a little ahead of her and found a climb, but she passed it up and went to where Campbell was. We parted ways here and I was kicking myself for not following her. And a couple more thermals was all I got, and I passed one up at 2500' on glide, then I tried to get up again from down low at the edge of a forest with no where to land. I knew it was over and tried to get a few more kilometers out of it and set up in a shitty little field. The weeds were tall and grabbing my base bar- I flared too high and pounded in some (hence the big bruise on my thigh). It was so hot on the ground as I began packing up. I turned my phone on and decided to listen to a message before calling Dana. It was from Mark, who landed with Jamie a few miles back, and they watched as I flew over their heads!!! So I didn't have to stress all the way back about where I scored anyways. I heard a bunch of people made goal and I wasn't surprised that it was possible-even with the slow climbs and low base. I heard the fast guys went way to the north and had clouds there. Ah well. Live and learn. The biggest mistake was not being in front of the launch line and going with them.

On our drive back to Ridgely for the feast and awards, I spotted a turtle on the side of the road-obviously a painter and possibly laying eggs. We left her alone.

The meal was provided by the culinary institute over in Dover. It was absolutely the best free meal I have ever had at a hang gliding meet. They had the most amazing side dishes (along with all the meat) and to my delight, some great vegetarian stuff. Finally!!! I had picked up some sushi on the way back expecting nothing but ribs and macaroni salad. I was glad to be wrong and I left the sushi in the cooler for breakfast the next day! Last year I had such a hard time finding decent food at the ECC, this year we enjoyed crabs near the beach, and gourmet food at Harry's, and steamed shrimp at Dave's in Ridgely... so not really an abyss after all. Having Mark along, and our own driver, really improved on the dining choices. Plus Sonny made a huge effort to have great food at the awards.
The awards ceremony was like all awards ceremonies- David Glover throwing shirts at everyone. We were busy deciding what to do the next day to fly on the way home. Late that night I decided that if I could get Kevin Carter to tune my glider, it would be worth hanging around. At the convenience store in the morning, Glover told me he was still around, so we got both my gliders all set up in the 98 degree heat and Kevin got them flying SWEET! I flew in just a bikini and socks and sneakers- making a fashion statement once again. I figure if all the melting people there couldn't handle a 44 yr-old woman flying hang gliders in a bikini- well, screw 'em. The flight park had 30+ tandems scheduled that day but they worked us in and got us all in the air. I had a chance to fly both gliders after Kevin left and landed when I wanted. I am so happy to have a back-up recreational glider, to save wear and tear on my new sail. I will pack that baby away until Italy next month. Oh and Dustin was the tow pilot for my last flight there, and neither of us died!

So, The ECC 2008.... Weird conditions. Slower and lower than last year. Dustin beat Jonny. Jamie gave me a run for my money. The heat was similar. The rain was incredible. The social atmosphere was the best I have ever enjoyed at a comp. My mental attitude was relaxed and happy, even if I wasn't scoring high. I actually thought I would be out of competition when I pulled my back out the day we arrived. I didn't jump off the bridge because of my back but it healed enough in time for me to wake-board on the new lake by our tent. Dana was so great about her responsibilities as driver and never left us waiting. She got to do some really cool airplane/Dragonfly flights. It was just such a great time. I don't know when I will see all of my comp friends again, since I won't be at Big Spring, but I really enjoyed my time with them here in Maryland. It was cool to have Rick and Mandy and Ron and Bob (and Daniel) around- our own little Rochester contingent. Dana and I found TONS of 4 leaf clovers. and went running together.... what else? We fit a lot into that weeklong trip.

Saturday, June 07, 2008

ECC day whatever- Friday June 6
Day 5 was a waffle just inside the start circle after two launches. Hardly seemed worth the effort or the few points it got us all. But the day was low validity and I will soon be finding out the difference a few (4) points makes!!!
Thursday night I had a chance to fly my old glider after Jonny did and I remembered how much I loved the way that thing handled. I mean, the sail is really flappy and noisy (trailing edge stretch) but the glider just handles so nicely. I'm so glad I put the old sail on it so I will have a recreational glider to play with.
Day 6 was the same forecast as Day 5, with lower base (like 1600'!!!) and I took a tow as one of the first flexies off after Davis. I was just hot on the ground and I really didn't think the day would amount to much more than yesterday. I flew around in light lift and then a gaggle appeared and I was at the bottom of the stack. We were turning right, my least favorite direction, and since I was so far below at like 100', I changed to left and gained just a bit. Then I had company and changed back, only to find myself on the bottom again. I was trying to match anyone else's circles and stay in the climb and I was just falling out the bottom. What gives??? Looking back I have seen this pattern with this glider since I got it. I gave up when it seemed the rest of the gaggle did and I followed Jamie back to the airport. I landed and really thought the day was done. Then everyone starts lining up again after landing so I stayed out on the launch line a while. Mark landed and I asked if he would change my CG back one hole so I would have at least an excuse to go fly again- to at least accomplish more than just a dive from 2000' tow to wherever I landed in the start circle! Jamie was re-flying so I knew I should stay on her tail to try to close the gap between our scores. She had me by like 50 points from yesterday when she made it out of the start circle.
So I tow back up with my new configuration and Zack takes me towards the N. When he starts climbing through 2100' I pinned off so no one would bitch about tow altitudes. I pulled the string all the way, got smallish, and glided. In the haze I saw a gaggle- one glider had an Elvis fin... hmmm Jamie! So I pulled in behind her, said hello to Elvis and just figured I'd keep turning as long as she did. I noticed right away that I was climbing the same, if not better, than the other gliders in the gaggle. I had the bar pushed out some and it felt really nice. Jamie left and a few others (Tom) took off down course and I saw another glider climbing over the forest so I stayed where I was and watched. Jamie just got pretty low and when I finally left, I felt like I had a good line and soon hooked up with the glider that was over the woods. It was Mark, and I watched while Lauren landed below me, and then Mark and I climbed out together over an awful lot of gliders in a field below. I scanned the field for the smoke sail that looks like mine and didn't see it, and just kept turning. It was such a light climb but I was keeping up with Mark and we were very slowly wafting down courseline. At 15 miles to go, I went on a desperate search before a forest and some skinny deep wheat fields. I got down to like 500' and I looked above me- Mark was totally specked out at around 800' and I had to land since I ran out of landing options. I had a NICE landing. Hmm. Just like with my old glider. Not like my earlier landing today BEFORE I changed my CG.... Hmm...
So I start to pack up and Dana was on her way but I noticed I was getting eaten alive by killer mosquitoes and I told her not to come get me (she was a mile away) but to go to a store and get some Off! before coming. Just as I was telling her this, a guy comes down the little lane I am on and his eyes are huge looking at my glider. I jump out in front of him and wave him to stop. Got any bug spray???? I ask, but he is too freaked out by the glider in the road and some half dressed chick jumping around slapping herself to answer right away. Then he startes to nod as he digs through his tool box and finds some Deet. He douses me with the stuff and drives off. Weird!!!! Dana shows up but I tell her not to even get out of the car, and then this guy comes back when he wakes up out of his stupor... He sprayed Dana down and then talked while we broke down. Nice guy- everyone from around here seems really nice- not like Florida :-)
We drove to get Mark a few miles down the road and the Dragonflies were making a low pass coming back from goal. We flagged them down and Dana got a ride back to Ridgely on one and Mark and I headed back in the car. What a fun day! It turned out that Mark took first place this task and I got second. Great for launching at 5pm.... and it was worth 67 points for me... still 4 behind Jamie!!!!
So, about my glider... I think I have never really liked this one as much as the old one. I also think it has always been trimmed this way. I also think that now I am going to LOVE my glider now and maybe, just maybe, I will be able to launch and land it without scaring the shit out of everyone... .MAYBE!!!

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

ECC Day 3 (Tuesday June 3)

No flying today- too windy cross to the runway. Jonny and Dustin were the only ones smart enough to not set up...

I will try to get some relevant and not-so relevant pics up..... We went to the local swimming hole and watched "Stupid Human Tricks" for a while. I talked Mary Spier into swimming across to the "sunny side" of the river with me, only to have a rather large snake slither out of the water next to us there and freak us all out when it tried to rub the glob of watery moss off it's head in an irritated dance.... A few pilots were contemplating jumping off the 30ft railway bridge, even after a few guys had good hard smacks on the water's surface... I yelled to them to get the sand out of their pussies and a few of them actually jumped, thinking that if me and Mary made it down there that way, surely they could... Soon the rope swing caught everyone's attention and people in canoes came by in a steady stream to laugh at our stupidity. I went up to the railway bridge and of course my own dog is smart enough not to try to cross it. Some ties are missing and the gaps are pretty wide. I froze more than once while trying to get out to the jump-off part. I was just making my way back to safety when I hear Mandy Brown yelling at Dana - reminding her that she's supposed to be "the good daughter"... I watched as my 20yr old leapt off the tracks to the snake infested waters below... well there goes my driver for the rest of the meet!!!! But no, she entered the water perfectly and swam to the shore, unfazed by the experience. We left the poison ivy/tick ridden swimming hole and got dinner. Later the rain came but we actually stayed pretty dry last night. I kept imagining ticks on me, even as I tried to sleep. My boss was spending the evening in the ER in Rochester with my other daughter, who was having a chest-cold induced asthma attack. This morning at 5am they finally got home. So, excitement to be had by everyone, everywhere!

Here is a picture of my injury, however. Since this blog is really all about me... I'm sure it will elicit all sorts of sympathy. Thanks to Jamie for providing the lovely band-aid...

Monday, June 02, 2008

Day 2 ECC Monday June 2nd
Since I'm flying pretty poorly, I'll have to entertain my readers more with tales of what we do when we aren't flying....
First off there was the Lake Highland (a temporary phenomenon) after the storms on Saturday... and Meesha enjoying it...

Then today, the wait on the launch line was maddening when conditions started to look good. Dana, a most extraordinary driver, was busy taking some of these shots.

I finally got off the ground, and since it was a right turn day, I felt like my glider was wrapping some in the light thermals and I was having a tough time climbing. I kept cutting inside of Jamie and after most likely pissing her off for a while, I just hung back to get a grip and mentally re-center. The big gaggle left me behind and I was climbing weakly near the start. Pretty soon I wasn't climbing at all, so I began a glide towards the others. I got so low I thought I might start-circle (and I guess only Davis gets to break down, drive back, set back up, and relight when he bombs out) so I got into desperation mode at 900' agl and held onto some 50fpm up for a while. This would prove to be the half hour or better that would put me behind everyone else, and keep me alone and in a much more conservative mode than was necessary for the day. Fly and learn.... But this thing finally turned on and I got pretty high when Campbell joined me (and climbed right through me!) but I was staying higher and finding good climbs til the goal. Campbell and I took different paths but pretty much everyone was in goal when I got there. I had a slower than ideal landing but held the nose out of the grass...
Dana came and got us all and we saw this on the way back to Ridgely.

PK begged us to stop...

We thought we knew how to do crabs...

PK had us all beat...

Maybe that will hurt his sink rate tomorrow. He's been kicking some ass!!

ECC Day 1 (Sunday June 1)

No one was launching 15 minutes after the window opened. Sonny said everyone was waiting for me to launch, so I did. I got a smooth tow and waved off into nothing. Yuck. So I pulled the string and headed under some clouds and got a little something. The cloud looked nice so I knew it would get good- but it didn't. The whole time I was in the air I thought for sure I would hit something I could get a full lifting turn in. Never happened. So the patience game begins! I waffled along and left the range of the field. A few rigids joined me and I was in contact with Dan Spier who was nearby. There was someone else keyed up on our frequency so I had to kill my radio a lot, but sometimes I got some useful info: like no one was climbing very well. The wind was reading 18-24mph and almost 90 cross. I kept pushing upwind and finally just pushed too hard. I wound up below 1000' and it was just impossible to get up in the broken lift. I landed in a corn field (the corn here is just s few inches high) and Dana came by the time I was almost finished packing up. It takes me a little longer with my back but at least I dont feel it much in the air. I watched as Lauren drifted on by, and a little later an entire army of gliders climbed out over my head. ARGH!!! So I think I left a little early, got a little impatient with the lift, and didn't saty with other gliders. Never during my flight did I get over 3100' and I heard others didn't get much higher than 4K. The day didn't score fully, so not too much damage was done. But I need to get my back loosened up some more and fly my ass off today. Christy and Rich, Dan and Mary, and Bob and Dana joined us for a really nice dinner last night. There actually IS a good restaraunt in Greensboro..... I am off in search of scrapple this morning...

Sunday, June 01, 2008

So we're at the ECC- first day here it rained like crazy- hail and electricity. Our tent got SOAKED... I am in a hurry to get to the launch line, and moving stiffly. The first thing I did Saturday after getting the tent set up (just in time for the storm to hit it) was pull out my lower back. I spent the afternoon doped up on my last Flexaril and tons of Ibuprofen. So this morning things are a little looser so I will attempt to fly. But damn.... what timing. Later I will try to get some pics up. Meesha is having a blast!
