Linda Salamone's Blog

Thursday, June 04, 2009

After the drive down, the camping lot selection process began, and then ended with some trimming, mowing, raking, pruning. I have a crew now, since, of course, I HAVE A BROKEN ARM.....

So Dana and I are driving for a total of 6 guys, she has been going short- usually to the Sport Class goal, and I have been going "long" which is relative around here. After all, it is Ridgely MD where 40K can take all day when you have 1600' ceilings and 40fpm lift.... So the drives are not crazy long and it's a lot of fun stopping along the way to throw a beer, a Gatorade, or a bottle of water to some other guy breaking down along the road on the way to my 'retrievee'. Usually (especially in the case of Jim K) we are there before they are done breaking down. (Actually, we could go back to the flight park, have dinner, and then go get Jim and he'd be about ready.... ) This is all pretty easy since I don't have to actually lift any gliders or help in any real way BECAUSE I HAVE A BROKEN ARM....

Here is Nicole, either blinded by her own fish-belly white skin, or she is measuring her head for her Special Helmet.

But she is now the mommy of a really cute puppy (Theodore, aka: Teddy) so she can be as Special as she needs to be. And I can post whatever I want about her because I HAVE A BROKEN ARM.....

Dana has begun tilting a little. I think it's from the stress of graduation and trying to sleep late in the camper when I rise with the sun.

There has been a task flown all 4 days so far, but today looks like a wash. We thought that yesterday, but after a few raindrops and solid overcast left the area, 6 people actually made goal. Terry R was the slowpoke breaking down, and I had to stow battens for him even though I HAVE A BROKEN ARM, but it looked like the apocalypse coming and we didn't want the harnesses to get wet in the back of the Baja on the way home.

With the shorter tasks and our incredibly efficient retrieves, evening activities have included poker (Glover is here so that's a given), ping pong, beer pong (new one on me), crab cracking, and some guitar hero in the hangar. One afternoon we were back so early we had time for a redneck dip in the kiddy pool....

And if you all are getting tired of hearing about MY BROKEN ARM... can you imagine how freaking tired I AM OF HAVING ONE?????? I want to fly! This is terrible!!!! What was I thinking coming to a hang gliding meet when I can't even look out the window at the cu's when I'm home????? ARRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • You are just too funny even if you do HAVE A BROKEN ARM!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:57 PM  

  • The bad thing about a broken arm is that it can cause completely unexpected problems. Like running over a horseshoe post with a bright orange emergency cone over it, for example. It's just a wierd type of injury that way. :)

    Glad you are on the mend and obviously have a great sense of humor.

    By Blogger JackieB, at 11:14 PM  

  • Horseshoe post? With a bright orange cone? Whatever might you be TALKING about????
    P.S. Tom Lanning is SUCH a liar!!!

    By Blogger Linda Salamone, at 7:44 AM  

  • Well you could have been up here yesterday flying with us. we meandered all around between 6,000 and 8,000 FEET and flew 70 miles or so. You wouldn't have liked it so it's a good thing that YOU HAVE A BROKEN ARM!!!! PK out

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:14 PM  

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